Map of block TQ34d taken fromDECC Habitats Regulations Assessments of 14th Onshore Oil and Gas Licensing Round
This summer, the government held a consultation about how new oil and gas licences may affect the UK’s most important wildlife sites.
The new licence blocks were announced under the 14th round in August. The government was required to assess what impact oil or gas operations would have on wildlife sites protected under European law.
One of the new licence blocks is in Surrey: it covers Lingfield, Horne and Blindley Heath. Read more about block TQ34d here
Block TQ34d is close to the Ashdown Forest Special Protection Area. EU member states have a duty to protect the habitats of migratory birds and certain particularly threatened birds in SPAs.
It also overlaps with a wildlife site managed by Surrey Wildlife Trust at Blindley Heath. Read the rest of this entry >>